A little about us, Hearthside Chariot developed from our love of wood-fired pizza, and wanting to share that love with others. Joe has devoted eight years of developing a unique and flavorful crust. This crust is just the beginning point for each of our pizzas.The love of wood fired pizza….

Karen & Joe Pannarale
Our love for wood fired pizza originated in 2008 when our family went to Rome with our local church. Their pizza is quite different, consisting of a simple crust topped with simple ingredients. Italy’s pizza influenced my husband, Joe, to make this style of pizza for our family and friends, in our oven now lined with fire bricks.
For years he has been trying to convince me to build a wood fired brick oven in the back yard to advance his pizza. However with our boys now grown and our future plans uncertain I felt a permanent structure in the back yard impractical. Looking for an alternate idea he went to the Internet to find a way to build a portable oven; his search resulted in a proposal for the purchase of an oven and a vacation to Colorado.
Our vacation consisted of a class in opening a mobile wood fired pizza business with an extra day on wood fired catering beyond pizza. With the end of our vacation, having enjoyed the class and baking pizzas myself, Joe and I ordered an oven. We hope you enjoy Hearthside Chariot, our traveling business, as much as we do.
Follow Facebook to keep track of where the “Chariot” will be. We look forward to serving you.
~ Karen and Joe Pannarale